New Search Technique

​​​Although major Search Engines have been trying to improve algorithm. But many times Search Engines are showing irrelevant results. Black Hat SEO specialists are responsible for this. They are using tricks like Keyword Stuffing, Hidden Text, Doorway Pages, Scraper Site, Article Spinning, Link-building Software, Link Farms, Hidden Links, Sybil Attack, Spam Blogs, Page Hijacking, Buying Expired Domains, Cookie Stuffing, Forum Spam, Cloaking etc. So, alternative methods are proposed here, which should be available beside conventional Search Engine.

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Standard dimension for monitor and photo

We are using monitor for different purposes: mobile screen, computer, television etc. But there is no fixed dimension or ratio. Simply think about a mobile phone monitor. Sometimes it is too large or sometimes it is too small. As the manufacturers failed to reach agreement, we are being harassed for this. Both users and website/applications developers are being disturbed. Here a standard dimension for monitor is proposed. Remember, it is the dimension of screen, not of device. And all screens must be of 3:2 ratios.  All video recordings, TV channel broadcast, movie making etc. will follow 3:2 ratio.

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OpenID’s advantages, disadvantages, solution and up-gradation plan

To use fingerprint as password is the final solution against security threat on Internet. Before making it possible ‘mobile phone code verification’ system and ‘OpenID login’ are the alternatives. OpenID provides the opportunity to enter a website with the help of another website without ID & password. For example, you are logged in to Google, now go to and click on ‘Sign in with Google’ icon; you will be able to log in to Yahoo without id/password. To make it possible, you will have to connect one Google account to one Yahoo account only for one time.

Continue reading OpenID’s advantages, disadvantages, solution and up-gradation plan

New Method for Online Registration

When a website admin tries to get an email account or social networking page matched to his or her domain (or person’s name or business’s name) but fails as someone else has chosen that username already. If any person or organization named ‘xyz’ want to get a specific username blank in every email service and social network for branding, then radical reform is required for current registration process. There are more problems here. A lot of people have the name of more than two, three or four words. For example, Colombian pop star Shakira’s official nick name is ‘Shakira’ and official full name is ‘Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll’. Former Secretary of State of USA Hillary’s full name is ‘Hillary Rodham Clinton’. Everyone does not have the name of two words only that they will use the method of ‘First name- Last name’ at the time of registration. Sometimes organizations are signing up registration forms; they do not have first name or last name. Even, they do not have birth date but establishment date. Now, what’s the solution?

best way to avoid spam call and email !!

Often we receive disturbing calls or sometime we do not like to get call from unknown caller. Some telecom corporations and specially some Chinese mobile set manufacturer provide the option of ‘call block service’, which blocks incoming calls from some specific numbers. Users need to list the numbers in blacklist. But how many numbers we can list there? It does not fulfill our demand. Only if they provide ‘Call Filter’ service, then it will be a more effective solution.

State of the art security for Twitter, GoDaddy, Paypal, LinkedIn, Odesk, Wikipedia, Everyone, Alexa with Google and Facebook

Who has started the option of Google’s 2-step verification & Facebook’s Login Approval knows that the sms containing verification code of Google delivers instantly but Facebook’s Security code delivers too late (for max 12 hours) at least for 5 to 6 days in a month. If you contact with Telecom company, they will say “Facebook did not pass that to our server” AND if you contact with Facebook, they will say “We have already sent the code to Telecom’s server”. Google has two alternative methods: If sms delivery fails, anyone can collect code by receiving phone call. Beside that they provide Ten “One Time Use – Backup Code”. If Facebook starts these two alternatives like Google then we can log in to Facebook easily.
Yahoo uses different method “Sign in with Google” through which, based on “One Google Account : One Yahoo Account” policy anyone can login to Yahoo’s website without password just by clicking on “Sign in with Google”. If Twitter, GoDaddy, Paypal, LinkedIn, Odesk, Wikipedia, Everyone, Alexa provide this opportunity then we will be safe from Hacker or Key Logger software.


At 21st century, everyone should know how to use computer. Not for a job, not to earn money; it is important to color our life. Everyone does not need to be an expert bur all should know the basic. Now what is the basic for all ?