Last Journey

I am sitting inside the Duaripara cemetery. It’s about three o’clock at night. There are two dead bodies in front of me. One is a Hindu dead body, the other is Muslim. I wish I could smoke in this extreme cold. As I am inside the graveyard, that’s why I am sitting quietly thinking that it should not be right.

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May all Labonno be happy

All friends are busy on their own. Almost everyone is employee somewhere in any office, so it is difficult to get together. Even on Friday, everyone has different household chores. But today we, some old folks, suddenly met. We started gossiping and chatting at the tea shop next to the Pallabi bus stand. Two friends have brought their wives. One of my friends is carrying his second son on his lap. I am the only one unmarried.

Continue reading May all Labonno be happy

Rahul’s Interview

Rahul’s Interview


“Mr. Rahul, You impressed us. We like you”
– Thank you, sir.
“You studied in a poor government funded university, not from any elite private university. Your academic results, though fairly standard, but your out-knowledge is outstanding.”
– Okay, sir.

Continue reading Rahul’s Interview

Big fish eat small fish

Tawhidur Rahman Dear Continue reading Big fish eat small fish